Fill your own palette & save!
The Scratchmade Fill & Paint Palette by Tonya Lee contains (18) 8mL Da Vinci Artist Watercolors along with a paint swatch color card and a heavy-duty watercolor tin with 18 empty pans (6 full & 12 half) for you to fill. Each tube will fill approximate 1.5 full pans or 3 half pans.
The 6 colors across the top of the palette are Tonya's essential, go-to colors. These single pigment colors are a perfect combination of cool and warm, transparent and more opaque, clear and granulating. The 12 colors across the bottom of the palette are also a balanced selection. The 12 colors combine with the 6 essential colors to create a completely harmonious palette that's perfect for any subject matter.
This set contains the following colors in 8mL tubes:
- Da Vinci Yellow (PY154)
- Red Rose Deep (PV19)
- Da Vinci Red (PR254)
- Burnt Sienna Deep (PR101)
- Ultramarine GS (PB29)
- Phthalo Green (PG7)
- Hansa Yellow Deep (PY65)
- Raw Sienna (PBr7)
- Raw Umber (PBr7)
- Violet Iron Oxide (PR101)
- Alizarin Crimson (PV19)
- Quinacridone Violet (PV19)
- Cerulean Blue (PB36)
- Cobalt Blue (PB28)
- Indanthrene Blue (PB60)
- Green Gold (PY129)
- Hooker's Green Light (PY42/PG7)
- Perylene Green (PBk31)