(PG7 - Transparent)
Envy is Da Vinci Ambassador Artist Paul Jackson's signature color name for Phthalo Green. Paul's complete collection of signature color names, his custom convenience color called Jackson Blue, and Paul's Wandering Watercolorist Da Vinci Watercolor Palette and set can be found here.
- Excellent fade-resistance (Lightfastness I)
- Made with Pigment Green 7 (PG7) dispersed in the finest quality natural gum
- Transparent / Staining / Granulates some
- Small batch process ensures the highest craftsmanship
- High concentration of premium pigment is finely milled for maximum vibrancy
- Responsibly sourced, pure gum arabic
- Proprietary 2-in-1 formula with amazing rewetting properties: Use Da Vinci Watercolors straight from the tube or fill your own watercolor pans and rewet
- Made in USA with craftsmanship quality